05-04-2022 | GPS exists 35 years! Hip hip hurrah 🎉 And we celebrate it together with you and your entire organisation.
Want to give your colleagues and employees wings? A compliment does the trick!
25-01-2022 | Do you also go into the new year with good resolutions? Sports, more time for hobbies & healthier food? At GPS we have at least one good...
Belgians are by no means tired of working at home. 84% of Belgians want to telework two or more days after the corona pandemic. That is 19% more than at the...
The corona crisis made telework mandatory. Also meetings were exchanged for online meetings. But most companies have now embraced this innovative way of...
This year our colleague Sebastiaan Spee can call himself the proud owner of the famous "Culture Champion award". A well-deserved award for such a passionate...
We are proud to introduce you to our "HR Academy"! A project made possible by Solut HR.
The National Labor Council authorized last week about the right to paid leave for administering vaccinations. But how can you implement this leave quickly...
Working from home is an upcoming trend that comes with administration. How can you simplify your administration easily with Emprova?
Today is Blue Monday. Called the most depressive day of the year. Although this claim seems to be a PR myth, it can be a nice incentive to take a critical...
On GPS we enter 2021 with some new colleagues. In order to achieve our ambitious goals, we needed to strengthen our team. That is why we hired 3 extra...
GPS wishes you happy holidays!
Our intern Julie is back. Do you still recognize her?
Discover our new training and register quickly.
This is evident from the first Belgian judgment on time & attendance.
On the 1st of May we celebrate the 'Feast of Labour' in Belgium. But what exactly does this day entail, and how did it come about?
Today teleworking is the norm! That's why it is important to remain productive at home.
Today we welcome Domien, Philippe and Ümit.
A judgment of the European Court of Justice seems to suggest this.
Because of the corona virus, we personally bring the Easter eggs to the home of our teleworkers.
Unseen times call for unseen measures. That's why Belgium will stay in lockdown for at least another 2 weeks. This has consequences for Belgian companies and...
The corona virus is in our country and is spreading rapidly among the population. It is in everyone's interest to contain the virus. Both individually and in...
In this digital world, GPS wants to be more present on social media. In order to make this project run smoothly, we called in trainee Ivan, who is going to...
For over 10 years we have been proud owners of the ISO-9001 certificate. Also this year we have renewed our certificate for the next 3 years.
We welcome our new intern Julie at GPS, Marketing - Communication support student at the PXL in Hasselt.
Postponed because of the corona virus.
Van de Velde celebrates its 100th anniversary!
We go from one portal to two portals.
Fewer grants for SMEs due to new rules