Disclaimer GPS Time & Security (EN-BE)


GPS – Time, Planning & Security

Our company is located at this address:
Oosterring 9

3600 Genk



Company Name: General Process Steering nv
Enterprise number or VAT number: BE0435.526.832
Form of company: Public limited company
Account number: BE47 4530 2874 0180 (BIC: KREDBEBB) / BE59 2350 1290 2426 (BIC: GEBABEBB)


General Process Steering nv, hereinafter referred to as GPS, hereby grants you access to gps-time.be (“the Website”) and publishes here texts, images and other materials for information purposes. GPS thereby reserves the right to adjust the content or remove parts at any time without having to inform you about this. The information on the Website is intended as non-binding and not as a concrete offer to conclude an agreement.


Limited liability

GPS makes every effort to update and / or supplement the content of the Website as often as possible. Despite this care and attention it is possible that content is incomplete and / or incorrect. The materials offered on the Website are offered without any form of guarantee or claim to correctness. These materials can change at any time without prior notice from GPS. For hyperlinks to websites or services of third parties included on the Website, GPS can never accept liability.



All intellectual property rights concerning these materials belong to GPS. Copying, distributing and any other use of these materials is not permitted without written permission from GPS, except and only to the extent provided otherwise in regulations of mandatory law (such as the right to quote), unless specified otherwise for specific materials. It is not permitted to include web pages or individual elements (such as images, videos or interactive applications) of the Website in a frameset or to process them via an inline link in another web page, if this may cause confusion about the origin of the material.