Responsible Disclosure

Responsible Disclosure of Security Vulnerabilities


At GPS nv we attach great importance to the security of our systems and data. However, we recognize that despite our best efforts, security vulnerabilities may occur.
We encourage responsible disclosure of such vulnerabilities and appreciate the security community’s help in improving the security of our systems.

We ask:

  • If you have discovered a security vulnerability, please report it to us immediately via the email address [].
  • Do not engage in activities that could damage the integrity or availability of our systems. Act in accordance with the law at all times and respect the privacy of our users.
  • We strive to handle all reports as quickly as possible. Please allow us reasonable time to investigate and resolve the reported vulnerability before making it public.
  • If you choose to disclose the vulnerability, please wait until we implement a fix. Please do not publish details that could compromise the security of our systems before we have a chance to resolve the matter.

We thank you for your contribution to the security of GPS nv. Together we strive for a safe and reliable digital environment for our users.