Want to give your colleagues and employees wings? A compliment does the trick!
You‘ve probably already experienced it yourself. A compliment creates a feeling of appreciation. An essential aspect to feel good in your job. The importance of a compliment is also proven by several studies. A study by the European Social Fund shows that ‘appreciation‘ is the biggest requirement at work. At least 95% of Belgians think this is important.
This appreciation also has a beneficial effect on the productivity of your colleagues. The biggest evidence is the Hawtorn effect, which was discovered by American scientists as early as 1927 to 1933. Experiments at Western Electric‘s Hawtorn plants showed that it wasn‘t just physical working conditions that impacted productivity. But especially the attention and appreciation of managers provided an enormous stimulus and motivation!
National Compliments Day (the 1st of March) is the perfect starting point for GPS to make compliments a part of the company culture. That is why, as of today, a real compliment tower is central in our office. Our employees will find numerous cards with compliments or to write a compliment themselves.