Every month, our time & attendance software provides you with the correct data for the correct remuneration of your employees.
Performance calculations in Excel are well and truly a thing of the past. Our time & attendance system calculates the (fixed or flexitime) working hours, (voluntary) overtime and deficits accurately and in real time. Thanks to configurable calculation rules, the performance calculation is always complete and customised to your needs and wishes.
Not only performances are essential for a flawless remuneration, absences are equally important. Illness, short leave, holidays, parental leave, unpaid holidays… There are many absences to which an employee is entitled and which you need to keep track of. In the time & attendance software, you have calendars available per employee and per group in which you can keep track all absences in an efficient way and in accordance with GDPR legislation.
Finally, bonuses, supplements and fees are also part of a correct remuneration. So it’ s best to register these via the time & attendance software as wel. Bicycle allowances, work-from-home bonuses or meal vouchers are just a few examples of the many possibilities. Because all payroll-related data is registered and managed in one central system, your HR department gains efficiency!