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Time & attendance with Group S

Reduce payroll administration and stress every month

Payroll without worries

It is your responsibility to provide Group S with a monthly summary of all performances and absences. A correct payroll is top priority, which is why you spend a lot of time on it. Do you want more efficiency and less headaches? Then use a time & attendance system. This will relieve you of the administrative hassle.

Optimise your HR administration

GPS helps you on your way to a carefree payroll. Our software collects all necessary data for the payroll. Your employees simply register their working hours and absences via the time & attendance software. The performances are calculated automatically and also linked to the correct wage code of social secretariat Group S. WinWin!

Efficient absence management

Holidays, illness, bank holiday, vaccination leave… there are various reasons for an absence. Quite a tangle for the personnel department to manage! Thanks to a time & attendance system, you register all absences and automatically link them to the Group S social secretariat wage codes.

Maximum efficiency for your payroll

The verification of the performances takes place in a fast pace thanks to the ‘Management by exception’ principle. Once everything is correct, you simply send it, together with the absences and linked to the correct wage code, to Group S. Error-free and efficient, every month.

Group S Social Secretariat

As social secretariat, Group S is the daily partner of 20,000 employers for their payroll and personnel administration. Since every company is unique, Group S opts for a personalised approach. With a personal payroll advisor who is easily accessible and thinks along proactively, each company receives tailored guidance and advice. In total, Group S has 700 employees working in 21 offices. In addition to the social secretariat, Group S also has a social insurance fund for self-employed people.