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Time & Attendance with Securex

Save time and money with your payroll administration

Fast and error-free payroll administration

It’s a lot of work to deliver the correct hours worked and absences to the social secretariat Securex every month. And when you do everything manually, it’s easy to make a mistake. Fortunately, there are various tools that can help you with your payroll administration. Correct payment of wages is a top priority where you can’t afford any mistakes.

Ready-to-use calculated performances

The working hours of your employees form the basis for payroll. However, only the start and end times are of no use to you. You need calculated performances. Our time & attendance software automatically calculates the correct working hours and links them to the correct Securex wage code.

Convenient calendar of absences

Sickness, short leave, vacations, parental leave… these are just a few examples of absences. These are also essential for correct payroll. Thanks to the integration with Securex social secretariat, every absence is automatically linked to the correct wage code.

Data sent to Securex in just a few clicks

Performances and absences from the time & attendance software are never sent directly to Securex social secretariat. This gives you the opportunity of making adjustments or an extra check. All data is already linked to the correct wage code, so the process takes only a few clicks.

Securex social secretariat

Securex is the partner for starters and experienced self-employed people or SMEs, but also for large companies and public institutions. They have everything you need for an integrated HR policy with services in the field of development and expansion of your own business for entrepreneurs, staff administration and payroll calculations, prevention and employee welfare, talent development and income insurance. At Securex, they have everything under one roof.