Efficient HR administration thanks to seamless integrations

Our time & attendance software is linked to numerous HR partners. This saves a lot of time when you want to exchange data. This way, you store all HR related data in one central place.

Every month, the payroll administration causes you a lot of worries. After all, you cannot afford any mistakes. Thanks to our time & attendance software, all performances, absences and bonuses are automatically linked to the salary code of your social secretariat. The result is ready-to-use data that you can send to the social secretariat with just a few clicks.

In order to have the payrolling of your interim employees run smoothly, it’s best to use our time & attendance software because it’s linked to various interim offices. This allows you, just like with your social secretariat, to directly send the performances and absences including the correct wage code.

If you are already using other HR applications, then of course you don’t want any duplicated data. Thanks to an integration, common data between our time & attendance system and the 3rd parties are synchronised in real time – depending on the other party.